Monday, December 15, 2008

Something to Hopefully Make You Laugh!

Ok, so my mom bought the Michael Crawford(Phantom) Christmas Album last Christmas and we turned it on and we all thought it would be really good. Matt was there and loves the original phantom so he was really excited. Well, I guess he is really stuck in his role as the phantom, or that's the only way he knows how to sing because we all laughed our heads off. It is worth listening to just for the first word! So for your audio pleasure...I present the Phantom singing "Mary, Did You Know."

(I couldn't find it for a playlist, but I found it on youtube. Please listen to it, it is so funny. We have exaggerated it a bit, of course. Hehe. You should hear Matt sing it!)


Cat said...

Holy cow!! That is hilarious. It's like he's stuck in Phantom mode and just will never be able to break free from that. It is making me laugh.

Haley said...

Oh good! We just think it is so hilarious.

Sue said...

Oh my gosh! That is hilarious! I can picture you guys all laughing when you first heard it. And I would love to hear Matt sing it! I've seen Crawford's Christmas album and have thought of buying it, but I think I'll pass. I have never heard that Christmas song before. And I thought some of the images in the video were a bit creepy.

By the way. I do want to add to my Christmas music collection. I only have a couple of Neil Diamond ones (of course), John Denver and the Muppets (of course!) and Ray Charles. Any suggestions?

Emily said...

Hee hee. Rob will love that. He likes the phantom cd a lot, but enjoys making fun of Micheal Crawford a little bit. This will entertain him.

Emily said...

I get enough of conventional Christmas songs at Riverside, so when it comes to stuff I listen to at home, I am all about the Very Special Christmas series. I am especially partial to Volumes 2 & 5. Oh, the original is good too.

Amy said...

Just to clarify...I did not buy this CD. Scott brought it home as a gift from a college meeting. Matt singing this is my favorite. I'm sure he'll treat you to it this weekend. Yay! Excited for tomorrow!!