Saturday, October 4, 2008

Unknowned Movie

Hey, gang, help me out here. I'm getting old and the old memory is not working as well now as in the past. Reading about "Somewhere in Time" reminded me of a movie that came out around the same time and I have been wracking my head trying to remember enough about it to even describe. It was a romanic love story. The setting was the San Francisco area with a scene on the clifts overlooking the Pacific ocean. There was a pine or cypress tree all nicely framed. The couple buried a necklace or some jewely. The couple were split up for some time and lived lives elsewhere. I can't remember if there was some kind of time warp thing involved. I can't remember the actors. I'm a moron! Does any of this ring any bells with any of you? I just remember I liked the movie as I am a sucker for love and romance. (didn't know that, huh!)


Emily said...

Story is vaguely familiar, but I don't think I have ever seen it. Sorry I can't help you out, I can ask my movie knowledgeable friends. I can also be a sucker for a good romance dad, when you figure out this movie, we will have to do a top five best sappy movies.....

Sue said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sue said...

The deleted comment was from me! I posted it before I was finished with it.

Dad, the movie you are describing is "The Promise". This young couple in love buries a necklace under the tree and agree that their love will never die as long as that necklace is buried.

Then they get in a terrible car accident. His mom, who never liked the girl, lies to him and says that she had been killed in the accident. But the girl actually lived and the mom somehow convinces her that her son is better off without her or something like that. The girl's face is pretty much destroyed by the accident and his mom agrees to pay for the reconstructive surgery if she agrees to stay out of her son's life. The surgery totally changes the way the girl looks.

They both go on with their lives, she is a photographer, or some kind of artist and his firm hires her to do some design work or something. So they end up working together. She knows it's him, but he doesn't know it's her.

Anyway, that is the movie you are talking about. I liked it to. Yes, there are some romantic movies I like. I was in a used bookstore about 20 years ago and saw a book by Danielle Steele called "The Promise", I read the back cover and it's the same story. I bought it for like $1. It's the only Danielle Steele book I've ever read.

Pops said...

Sue, you are dead on! That is the movie I was thinking about. Can't believe it is a Danielle Steele book. I have never read one of her's. Thanks. I will call you "The Source" from now on.

Amy said...

I loved that movie too. It's also the only Danielle Steele book I've read.

Emily said...

I read a Danielle Steele book once, it was lame sauce.
It wasn't the Promise, but I don't know the title. Just that it was about perfect rich people with lame problems.