Friday, May 11, 2012

Remember this Matt?

I found this in a random little notebook buried in Scout's things.  She must have used it as a journal for a few days.  I about died laughing when I found it. 

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Relax Pops!

I wanted to take a little time and call some attention to Dad/Husband/Uncle/Grandpa George for the recent change in his life. He has decided to retire at 74 years old! I don't know what it is like to have lived and worked that long... but I can imagine it wasn't always easy to keep going as long as he did. As one of his sons I can personally say that I am forever grateful for supporting me financially through life with always having a meal on the table, clothes to wear, Christmas presents, vacations, a warm house, school, my mission, and just for the occasional 20 bucks or a surprise gas take fill up or even a quick trip out to lunch ALWAYS on Pops, even if I really wanted to buy. This list could go on forever, but it overwhelms me to think of all the ways he supported me... and that is just me. He had 7 of us!

We all know I was the spoiled one though... haha

I am probably not the one to speak of this, as I wasn't really around for a huge chunk of it, but his employment has been broad, extensive, and all around impressive. I can't believe how many skills he has developed and knowledge he has acquired because of all of the different carrier paths he's gone down. Whenever people ask me what my Dad does or has done, I don't know where to start! And it's hard for people to believe it when I go through the list of things he's taken on at full bore.  I'm sure he would be the first to say that not all of them were successful, or proved to be very fruitful or however he'd say it, but he was always trying, and trying hard, and ALWAYS provided for us and did whatever he could. But more important than the financial stuff, he never let his work get in the way of spending time with us whenever we needed him. I could always talk to him, always ask him questions, and when I had a problem he would drop everything to help. Even if it was to epoxy one of my ghostbuster toys or something. :) 

I guess what I am saying is no money in the world would ever replace the feelings that came from that. Just good old parenting and unconditional love. 

Sappy sap sap sap. 

Dad, I'm so glad these last 8 years or so at the airport were so great. You seemed so happy there, and your boss and co-workers were so happy to have you working with them. It always made me smile to see how much those guys respected and treated you.  

Congratulations Pops! Enjoy yourself! Keep golfing and walking Bruce and playing Plants vs Zombies! LOVE!