Monday, February 15, 2010

Happy Birthday Conor!

Conor Mullen Oberst is 30 today!! He's been a very special part of Matt and I's relationship, and Matt and Cath's relationship, and I know some of the nieces and Alex enjoy his musical and poetic genius. He's massively talented, and has been recording music for over half of his life now, starting with Commander Venus. Desaparecidos, Bright Eyes, the Faint, and the Mystic Valley Band have become a huge part of my life and although I'm a newcomer to the scene, I've loved both of his concerts that I've been to. So here's to Conor, the adorable goat-voiced boy from Omaha who has enhanced many a road trip for me.

Love you!! Kisses!!!


Cat said...

Yay, B! I totally forgot! Happy Birthday, Conor! Love you, Kisses.

Matt Wright said...

You are the best B. This needed to be done. Way to be B. I didn't know his middle name was Mullen. Weird. I am blown away by his writing. He truly is the Bob Dylan of our generation. (I think one of the main Rolling Stone writers said something like that) I have no problem admitting that one of my favorite artists is like the King of "Emo". I'm not going to go wear eye make up or comb my hair over my eyes, but I can listen to 3 Bright Eyes albums in a row and still want more! The man is brilliant and I can never get enough of his music.

Totally man-crushing Conor Oberst.