Saturday, August 8, 2009

What the Bip?

Look what I came across....


That blog post I wrote was picked up by some random American Idol website and I was very very vague about the subject they were even interested in. The internet is so weird!

ps, we may be getting some random traffic on here because of it.


Sue said...

Very strange Em. Weird to see our blog name on a different website. It's strange that they came across your post, and it's strange that you found it on their website. How did you come across that?

Emily said...

Oh you know me Sue, I follow EVERYTHING American Idol. No, actually I have that counter on my blog and it shows a click path from TKWAR to my blog if that's how someone came to visit my blog, it will also show me where they came from there, and I was seeing a few from that address so I clicked on it and was very surprised to see that article.

Cat said...

That is so weird!!! Internet is crazy.

Emily said...

Oh, we've also picked up a random follower. Hi Mohd azuar! Hope you enjoy our silly family blog. When's your birthday? We'll have to give you a happy birthday blog.