"Marilyn Monroe required 47 takes to get "It's me, Sugar" correct, instead saying either "Sugar, it's me" or "It's Sugar, me". After take 30, Billy Wilder had the line written on a blackboard. Another scene required Monroe to rummage through some drawers and say "Where's the bourbon?" After 40 takes of her saying "Where's the whiskey?", 'Where's the bottle?", or "Where's the bonbon?", Wilder pasted the correct line in one of the drawers. After Monroe became confused about which drawer contained the line, Wilder had it pasted in every drawer. Fifty-nine takes were required for this scene and when she finally does say it, she has her back to the camera, leading some to wonder if Wilder finally gave up and had it dubbed. "
That cracks me up! 47 TAKES TO SAY "It's me, Sugar"??????????Oh Marilyn. She reportedly was not invited to the wrap up party. Crazy thing is, she made like 3 pictures after this one before her demise.
Where's the bonbon! Love it. Anyway, see this movie! It is a classic. The gangster parts wear thin to me and I usually fast forward past them when they come on screen. I've seen it so many times, I need not see them anymore.
So I guess you all want to know who won eh? I got two correct answers today and they were within 10 minutes of each other. Dad, I'm sorry to say, but this was Sue's week! She got you by a hair. (Incidentally, she was the one I was worried about giving an advantage to since I knew she listens to Filmspotting and they made a big deal out of this movie and played many of the lines from the movie including the "Nobody's perfect line" more then once I believe.) I tried to avoid the clips that they chose until the end when I gave up on you all. Off subject, but they also made a big deal out of "The Apartment" which is one I had never seen. I took their advice and rented it and LOVED it! I came to realize that I had never seen a Shirley McLaine movie when she was young and who knew she was so adorable? I just thought she was the cutest, charming thing ever. But that all doesn't have too much to do with Some Like it Hot. I can't resist adding the trailer, I watched it last night and it had one of the best trailer lines in the history of trailer lines:
"You've never laughed so hard at sex........or a picture about it"
So congrats again Sue! Take it away.