Wednesday, December 3, 2008

A Time To Kill

3 and a half stars. Because it's worth seeing for sure, and I loved it, but "loved it loved it"??...

Pops and I watched this yesterday and both dug it. He bought it. I don't know if it was one somebody recommended to him or what. I have always liked movies that have anything to do with anti-racism, and that was pretty much the main point of the movie, that we are all equals. I think the easiest way for me to do a review of this is to do the Pro's and Con's thing.


1. Great cast! (except for con#1 and #2) Samuel L. Jackson, Kevin Spacey, Oliver Platt, Kiefer Sutherland, Donald Sutherland, and Chris Cooper were so great!!

2. A memorable line for me was "Gotta love the Lord for making things like that" Oliver Platt says it right after Sandra Bullock leaves the room. SO FUNNY when you know the characters. "things" haha!!

2. Court room movies are sweet. 

3. Good story. I had those weird stomach muscle spasms that happen right before you cry...but didn't cry. So that was nice.


1. I can't stand Matthew McConaug-hud. I hate his face, his voice, his attitude. And he is the leading role. Bummer. 

2. Sandra Bullock can hardly act, and I felt this movie proved that. I really didn't like her. Although she does look almost exactly like Sarah in this! SO WEIRD!!

3. Ok, this movie felt very "rushed" to me for some reason. I like a fast paced movie and all, but this was different. It felt like they went nuts in the editing and just cut parts of the dialog out for time. It also seemed to cut too fast from scene to scene. I don't know, just didn't like the editing. 

4. Did I mention Matthew McConaughey?? He took away a star.


Pops said...

Yeah I bought it at Smiths in the bin for 5 bucks. Very much worth 5 dollars. I too have never been a fan of Matthew McConaughey, but I have been getting used to him lately and am beginning to like him some. But this film is one of his early ones and he is a bit wooden and smirkey. Otherwise a really good story and good acting. Thoughtfull story also. Good Mississippi racial redneck problems in the 50s. Sandra Bullock was fine in this. Did you know that when I first saw her in Speed I think, I was shocked by how much little Sarah looked like her. I even thought about writing the studio and sending some pictures of Sarah to let them know if they ever needed a young girl Sandra Bullock in a movie, my granddaugher Sarah was it. Sarah was about 9 or so at the time. Dead ringer! I can't argue with Matt the Pro about the editing, but I wasn't bothered by any of that stuff. Just a compelling story and lots of good actors.

Emily said...

I saw this years ago and remember liking it. Read the book too. Liked it. I am not McConaughey's biggest fan, but I tolerate him fine. I like Sandra Bullock, she seems to be kind of a character actress, but only bugs me a minimal amount. Sarah is her doppelganger, I must say.

Pops said...

Yep, doppelganger was the word I was looking for. What book was that from, doppelganger?

Sue said...

Sandra Bullock is so hud sauce it makes me want to puke. I've hated her since about the first 5 minutes of the movie Speed which was my introduction to her. She looks so much like Sarah it makes me sad that someone I hate so much looks like someone I love so much. I will not watch a movie with her in it.

Matthew McCaughnehy (sp?) is the very best in Dazed and Confused. That is all I know of him. I just went onto IMDB and looked at the list of movies he's been in. Dazed and Confused is the only movie I've ever seen him in! That's funny. It's not that I hate him, I guess he just makes bad movie choices in my mind.

And dad what do you mean by a doppelganger book? Doppelgangers are all over literature. I took a college class that was just about studying literature with doppelgangers. We read Tale of Two Cities (Sydney Carton and Charles Darnay total doppelgangers), The Double by Dostoevsky and William Wilson by Poe, there were a couple of others I just can't remember right now. We also watched the movie Dead Ringers. I bet, if the class is still being taught, that they added Fight Club to the reading list. Tyler Durden and Jack are the best doppelgangers ever!

Pops said...

I can't remember being exposed to doppelgangers in anything I read until a few years ago (about 5) when I read it in a novel. Very prominate in that novel, but I can't remember the name or what it was about. I am amazed at your comments about them, Sue...way-to-go, babe!!

Haley said...

Matthew Mccona...whatever is the worst! I can't stand him! He is so arrogant and stupid! I can't stand him at all. I totally agree with you there Matt. Yuck.

Matt Wright said...

Before thes comments, the only thing I knew about Dopplegangers was that it is mentioned in the infamous youtube video "banana hands" And now I still don't know why they say it! ha ha.
I'm glad there are 2 others (almost 3 with Dad) who share my hatred for Matthew Mc-hud sauce. It would suck to be all alone like B with here hatred for all that is Nicholas Cage.

Cat said...

I kind of like Matthew MacConaghey. The way he talks just makes me laugh.

Pops said...

Matt Mac was named the most Sexiest man of the year in People Mag a few years back. He must apeal to someone.