Saturday, October 9, 2010

WTB? Gone With the Wind

If you have never seen Gone With the Wind, you need to break down and do it. In fact, I am going to make sure it is included in one of our movie marathons sometime soon cause I haven't seen it in years and would love an excuse to see it again. Speaking of, lets pin down our marathon plans tomorrow (Sunday) eh Sue? Maybe would could do a theme of "Epic movies". That would be cool and this is definitely classified as an epic. I got the idea of doing this movie after thinking of Vivian Leigh playing Scarlett and how she nailed it. I also thought maybe that would give you guys a little clue. I must say, when one reads the book, they get a finer understanding of Scarlett and she is a much more sympathetic character. Another FINE idea for a movie marathon- movies based on books, yet I think to make it legit, we would need to read the book too. Interesting and perhaps we would need to allow a little more time for that one in between movies. I love that idea though. Anyway-- Gone With the Wind. Probably the most favorite movie of my childhood. I am pretty sure it was introduced to me by my good friend Emily (I would like to pat ourselves on the back a little Em, I don't think there are a lot of 10 year olds these days that even know what that movie is, and I can tell them right now it's much better then Hannah Montana). I can't write this without mentioning Ami too- she was there right there with us even if she didn't weigh in this week- what Aim? Too busy with newborn twins or something? (I swear, the excuses people come up with.) We watched it A LOT and collected memorabilia too. She (Emily) also had a few things in her room from the movie. What stands out to me was a mammy doll (complete with a red satin petticoat). I love Mammy! I love how she constantly mutters under her breath. I was very close to doing a mammy line this week "It ain't fittin' it just ain't fittin. It ain't fittin." But felt like it would be too easy. Of course I could have done probably the most quoted line in the history of movies, but I couldn't decide if doing it would be ironic or mundane, so in the end I just didn't.
So- hang on to your hats peeps----- Amy won!!! Yeah Aim! I was so excited when you emailed me and got it right. Pops rang in second followed by Cat, Sue, Emily (she couldn't resist- she's the mammy doll friend), and caboosing it is Dan.

Congrats Aim! Welcome to the board.


Emily said...

Holy Bip- I'm going to miss Black Star.

Amy said...

Wow! I won finally. Now I'm scared. I don't know how to do this. I'll try to figure it out tomorrow.

Emily said...

After all....... tomorrow is another day.

Dan W said...

Oh Fiddle-dee-dee! I need to start thinking older flicks earlier in the week...

Awesome, Mose! Happy you won! Congrats! Looking forward to your movie choice and also music list!

Let me know if I can help you (I have an updated list of all movies we've done in this and the SWS contest) and can also assist with the playlist prep. It's not hard just a bit weird until you've done it a time or two.

ajmah said...

Ah man! A great film! And yes, my life is a little crazy right now.

I laughed when you mentioned memorabilia because I still have (in glassware circulation) a Gone with the Wind mug of yours that you left at my house in Ithaca when you moved home. Someday you'll get it back - maybe.

I wonder how many times we all saw this movie growing up?

Matt Wright said...

Good job Aims. And good job on your talk yesterday! For those that missed it, it was very good and refreshing in a sense.
Weird I never saw this being Emily's bro. And frankly Scarlet, I have never really cared to see it. But, maybe I will check it out. It is quite ground breaking in the world of film I guess. I don't know what my deal is with old movies! Most of the time they bore the scrud out of me. I will watch it and try to see what it is that my sister, who loves most things I love- and vice versa- see's in it. I am already bord looking at these pictures, and to be honest... haven't even read what you said about it yet. It looks long. haha.

Emily said...

Wow I forgot about that mug! In fact I'm not sure I could properly recall it if I saw it again. Glad it is seeing good use at the Hart household. I have no idea how many times we watched it, but I can say that I haven't seen it since and every line I read on the memorable quotes list I could picture being said with perfect recall including all voice reflections. So it must have been a lot to say the least.

Emily said...

I love old movies! So very much. Perhaps this is an area where you and I differ a bit bro. Or perhaps you haven't given them their proper due.
I can't say with any degree of confidence that you will love this movie. It's one of the first color movies, everything about this movie was pretty much epic- the casting, the budget, the length (it's over 3 hours), first Oscar ever handed to an African-American (in 1939, that's pretty darn early if you think about it). It's a very interesting look at Southern life at the time of the Civil War. I will save more about the film for when we discuss it, for we will def be watching it for our film marathon sometime when we do "Epics", so save it for that. My advice? If you have trouble tackling long movies, divide it up. Say- ok, we will watch this in 45 minute increments until it's done. I've done that a few times when the prospect of a long movie makes me put it off. (I inevitably finish it in 2 or 3 nights anyway, once I get into it, but it helps me to at least start them.)

Dan W said...

"It looks long."
--Matt Wright


Matt Wright said...

That's what she said.


Sue said...

hahahaha! good one Matt. Dan beat me to pointing out how funny it was that you said that.