Monday, October 27, 2008

Road Trip (2)

Back from Road trip 2 last night. Good times had by all. I got the group together by 8 am Saturday morning and took off in Amy's Denali with Mom, Matt, B, Simone and Feliz. We drove to Cody and took in the W. F. Cody Histerical Center. Very interesting Museum of Art, Indian and Nature and Guns. We had lunch and took off for the South entrance to Yellowstone Park. Just inside the park, B and Simone shouted "there is a bear". I turned around and up on the hill was a Grizzily bear walking down the side of the hill towards the road. Way Cool! He or she made it to the road right next to us and matt got some good video of it. We went on through the park and ended up at West Yellowstone Montana and spent the night. We had an expensive pizza for dinner and Matt, Simone, Felix and I went to the IMAX show and saw a film on Yellowstone. Pretty neat. I had a rough night as the pizza never digested well and I had a hard stomach all night. Sunday morning I got them all up and fed and we were on our way by 9 am and saw a bald eagle, some buffalo, coyotes, lots of geysers plus Old Faithful. The day was sunny and we had a great time. We got back to Riverton around 5 oclock and had Bronwyn's birthday party and some food and cake and bread pudding. Fun weekend for us.


Emily said...

You would think expensive pizza would digest well.

Pops said...

I said expensive, not good pizza. How about 2 12 inch pizzas and a pitcher of root beer for $68 dollars. Maybe it was the cost that upset my stomach!

Sue said...

$68 for 2 pizzas and some root beer? Did you order the pizza with lobster and truffles on it or something? Reminds me of the $5 milkshake scene from Pulp Fiction:

"I don't know if it's worth $5, but it's pretty @#$%# good"!

Emily said...

68$$!!?? I think that would give anyone a stomachache. Next time leave off the gold and diamonds and stick with pepperoni. Oh wait, Sue already made an expensive toppings joke. I suck.

Matt Wright said...

Of coarse this trip was complete with the all famous early morning Dad line: "Volly ball practice in ten minutes out on the street!"
That was another first for B.
Also included was a severe case of Trip Mode from Dad, as he kept saying "lets move" "We've got a lot to see" "anybody gotta wiz?" and other typical Dad lines. Oh, and we can't forget Mom singing along to songs like "shake your booty...Shake your booty"
It was a fun trip though. We had a blast and saw some of the craziest natural things this planet has to offer. Thanks Mom and Dad for taking us.

B said...

Haha. Yes, Dad was in trip mode and Mom was in squirrel mode, but that was an awesome trip. It's crazy some of the things that are on our planet!!! Another classic line from that trip was when Matt and I were waiting to be picked up, and Matt, trying to say "Dang it feels good to be a gangsta" said instead "It feels so nice to be a gangster." That was the funniest thing EVER.

Pops said...

Trip mode? I didn't even get close to going into trip mode. Yes, at the Bill Cody museum I politly tried to keep them all moving along. I didn't scream and yell like I do when I really get uptight in trip mode. No comment on Mom being in squirrel mode, but that is pretty accurate. Fun trip because there was little back seat driving.

Pops said...

Expensive pizza toppings: Saffron covered filet of beef with hollandaise sauce. Sues' was good with lobster and truffels. Quail breast and calf's liver.