Sunday, October 19, 2008

Sunday's With Sue

Three Amigos! Everyone did well with this one. Most people got it with the first quote. Haley was the first to guess, she guessed within like an hour of posting it. Way to knock Em off the top! Matt was next the Em, Em thought at first it might be Young Frankenstein. It definitely sounds like it could have come from that. Cat was next then Dad. I'm not quite sure when Dad got it, when he emailed me he said he had gotten it before and forgot to send me the answer.

Here is this week's. It's again from a movie:

That's an interesting name, Mr...?
Is that with one B or two?
One. B-A-B-A-R.
That's two.
Yeah, but not right next to each other, that's what I thought you meant.
Isn't there a children's book about an elephant named Babar?
Ha, ha, ha. I wouldn't know. I don't have any.
No children?
No elephant books.


Emily said...

Emily is stumped.

Maybe it is the Clomid fog.

B said...

B is stumped.

Maybe it's in a movie about Babar?

B said...

Oh! Haha, I thought the Clomid Fog was a movie! Then I read your blog about Clomid... oops.

Sue said...

Holy crap B, that is the funniest thing. The Clomid Fog does sound like a movie. Man, that is funny stuff.

Sue said...

Okay, so I've had no guesses so far! I think this movie is a Wright Family Classic, but I may be wrong! Since this one is so tough on everyone, I'm going to give a couple of hints, then a second quote.

Hint 1: I'm pretty sure Scott really likes this movie. Seems like there are a couple of "classic Scott things" he does that are from this movie.

Hint 2: It didn't hit me until a couple of days ago, but there is a pattern so far to my quotes. All I'll say about this is 3 of my quotes so far, including this one, have something in common.

2nd quote: You go to Utah, you stay in Utah.

Good luck everyone! And no, B, the movie is not The Clomid Fog!

Emily said...

I swear I am still totally flummoxed.
But I think I know your hint, so I am going to give random guesses.

Pops said...

I'm pretty sure I got it and emailed the Sue yesterday my answer. The clues are good. I live flummoxed and am confortable with it. Clomid I'm not!